
I’m a self confessed make up addict. I love applying it, wearing it and buying it! Plus I’m forever searching for new products and trends. Over the years I’ve built up my fair share of ideas and techniques, not to mention PRODUCTS and the time has come to share them. I’m no expert, but if like me you love to discover new products and experiment with different looks then you’ll enjoy caked.

“Caked in makeup” is an ironic title. I’m no fan of the “trowelled” look. My philosophy is about creating a flawless, natural canvass then adding the colours and creating styles that suit you, and the occasion.

So join me on my journey to share tips, create new looks and hunt down all the best products and deals!

Any comments or questions feel free to email me at cakedinmakeup@hotmail.co.uk

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Hun! you thought of adding Google Friends Connect to your blog? its a great easy way for people to follow your blog (and quickly add you to their google reader) you should give it a go 🙂

    Sarah x

  2. hiya just added your latest post on stumbleupon you should get on there its a great way to get your blog out to a wide range of viewers because its a random website generator with tags.
    P.s. have you got a contact me page?

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